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2015 International Religious Conference List

조회수 : 349

 2015 International Religious Conference Information


         The Fifth Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion and Philosophy 2015 


Rihga Royal Hotel, Osaka, Osaka Prefecture, Japan 

Thursday, March 26, 2015 - Sunday, March 29, 2015 (All Day) 



Abstract Submission Deadline: December 1, 2014 

Registration Deadline for Presenters: March 1, 2015  



    International Conference: Ancient Cultures in the Lands of the Bible 


Basic schedule: 

Sunday (21 June 2015): Arrival to Tel-Aviv airport. Pickup and transfer to the hotel in Jerusalem. Sightseeing tour. Opening event.  

Monday (22 June 2015): Full day Conference. (+ Jerusalem night tour) 

Tuesday (23 June 2015): Full day Conference 

Wednesday (24 June 2015): A special program for the conference participants in the Israel Museum + a visit to Bethlehem. Or: You can take a full day tour to Jerusalem & Bethlehem 

Thursday (25 June 2015): Tours - departure for all post-conference tours 

Friday (26 June 2015): Tours 

Saturday (27 June 2015): Tours 

Abstracts (in English) for individual paper presentations or symposiums should not exceed 200–300 words and must include the name of the presenter, his/her affiliation and the type of presentation (paper or symposium). Proposed posters can be submitted as text or PDF file. A short biography or C.V. can be added together with the abstract in a separate file. 


The deadline for abstract`s submission is 15 September 2014. 

Questions concerning the conference or abstract submission can be addressed to our main office: desk@archaeologyisrael.com 

Please submit your abstract directly to the scientific committee by email: desk@archaeologyisrael.com 



         Fifth International Conference on Religion and Spirituality in Society 

'Social Movements and Faith' 

University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, California, USA
16-17 April 2015 

Submit a Proposal 



We are inviting proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, or colloquia (See Proposal Types) addressing religion and spirituality in society through one of the following themes: 

Religious Foundations 

Religious Community and Socialization 

Religious Commonalities and Differences 

The Politics of Religion 

Special Focus for 2015: Social Movements and Faith 

Submit a Conference Proposal 

To learn more about preparing and submitting your conference proposal, including guidelines, deadlines, and "how-to" information, go to Submitting Your Work: Conference Presentations. 


Submit a paper to: 




   International Congress on Science and/or Religion: a 21st Century Debate
                                                  (Vienna, 27-29 August 2015) 

The Science and Religion Debate in Current Social Context 

The progresses of modern sciences and technology have led to remarkable insights into the nature of universe and human life, challenging or transforming the former traditional worldviews and narrations. Sigmund Freud University and the International Society for Science and Religion share the view that the dialogue between religions and modern sciences remains crucial for the 21st century to analyze and examine these challenges that arise at the interface of science and religion. 

The aim of the conference is to bring these various scientific perspectives into dialogue with the study of how religion is understood by the faith traditions of the world. How does science affect how religion is regarded? Does it confirm or invalidate the perspective of faith, or does it lead religious people to revise their understanding of religious practices and experience? 

The conference will provide a space to discuss the achievements of sciences and its impact on traditional religious beliefs and worldviews. Different viewpoints, and the perspectives of different mediating disciplines will be brought to bear on these key issues.
In invited lectures and discussions, internationally renowned scholars and researchers will consider the crucial questions of how sciences and or/religions, can contribute to our worldviews and way of life in the 21st century. 

Abstract/workshop/panel submission deadline: 1 Dec. 2014

• Notification of workshop/panel/abstract acceptance date:
1 February 2015

• Poster/ Full text submission
deadline: 20 March 2015

• Notification of full text paper acceptance date: 20 April 2015

• Registration opens:
1 March 2014

• Early registration deadline:
1 May 2015 

